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中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之24 少林四路太洪拳 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.24 Shaolin Routine 4 Big Hung Kuen (China Version))

演員: 鄭書敏

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之25 少林一路單刀 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.25 Shaolin Routine 1 Single Sabre (China Version))

演員: 王佔洋

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之26 少林七星拳 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.26 - Shaolin Seven Star Fist (China Version))

演員: 王佔洋

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之27 少林大洪拳 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.27 Shaolin Big Fist (China Version))

演員: 張岩青

[DVD](276984-D-GD)預訂價: HK$85(US$11.0)[預期: 2209年4月7日推出]
中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之28 少林鷹爪拳 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.28 - Shaolin Eagle Claw Fist (China Version))

演員: 王海營

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之29 少林一路單拐(中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.29 Shaolin Routine 1 Single Staff (China Version))

演員: 王海營

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之30 少林羅漢拳二十四式 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.30 24-Posture of Shaolin Arhat Fist (China Version))

演員: 陳俊傑

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之31 少林乾坤刀 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.31 Shaolin Qian Kun Broadsword (China Version))

演員: 陳俊傑

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之32 少林大通臂拳 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.32 Shaolin BigArm Through Fist (China Version))

演員: 閻治軍

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之33 少林大羅漢拳 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.33 Shaolin BigArhat Fist (China Version))

演員: 閻治軍

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之22 少林一路春秋大刀 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.22 Shaolin Routine 1 Spring-Autumn Broadsword (China Version))

演員: 鄭忠孝

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之21 少林炮拳 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.21 Shaolin Cannon Fist (China Version))

演員: 焦紅波

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之20 少林大羅漢拳 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.20 Shaolin Big Arhat Fist (China Version))

演員: 梁松華

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之19 少林流星錘 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.19 Shaolin Meteor Hammer(2 Disc) (China Version))

演員: 陳同川

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之18 少林大刀對槍 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.18 Shaolin BigBroadsword against Spear (China Version))

演員: 陳同山 陳戰鋒

中華武藏 嵩山少林寺拳譜之17 少林黑虎拳 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.17 Shaolin Black Tiger Fist (China Version))

演員: 陳同山

中華武藏嵩山少林寺拳譜之16 少林易筋經 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.16 Shaolin YiJin Jing(Muscle & Tendon Changing Classic) (China Version))

演員: 王長青

中華武藏嵩山少林寺拳譜之15 少林八段錦 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol. 15 Shaolin 8 Brocade Exercise (China Version))

演員: 王長青

中華武藏嵩山少林寺拳譜之14 少林雞爪鐮 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.14 Shaolin Rooster-Claws Sickles (China Version))

演員: 崔西岐

中華武藏嵩山少林寺拳譜之13 少林小羅漢拳 (中國版)
  (Boxing Skill Book Series of Songshan Shaolin Vol.13 Shaolin Small Arhat Fist (China Version))

演員: 耿合營


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